Loretta Plater
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates


All massage sessions with me are customized and include passive stretching.  After your initial intake we will work together to determine the best plan for your needs.There are plenty of reasons why people get massages. To relax, help with muscle pain and muscle recovery from working out, improve circulation, improve sleep, irritability..... No matter your reason lets work on it together.

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60 Minute Massage

60 minutes: $85

An hour session that will give you a full body connection and relaxation experience. Making body connections from head to toe. Helping circulation and lymphatic movement. Take deep breaths as you physically feel the release of stress and witness tranquil peace. Its okay if you fall asleep. Don't forget an add on!

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75 Minute Massage

75 minutes: $100

Need a little extra time? Its understandable! This will allow extra attention to areas that were a little stubborn. Dont forget an add on!

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90 MinuteMassage

90 minutes: $120

Oh yeah! This duration gives you extreme attention to stubborn areas, chronic stiffness and aches. You will feel as if you had a full body passive workout on the clouds. Don,t forget an add on.

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Cupping Therapy

90 minutes: $130
90 (2 sessions) minutes: $220

  Cupping is a release using suction to pull blood and fluid that is "stuck" ( which contains toxins and waste products) to the surface layers of the dermis to put it back into the bloodstream for processing. The newly oxygenated blood then flows back into the area to promote healing.  It can be affective up to 4 inches below the surface of the skin.

Immediate relief may be felt. Mulitple sessions are sometimes needed  for chronic situations.

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Massage Session Packages (3)

60 (3) minutes: $195
75 (3) minutes: $240
90 (3) minutes: $300

Buy a package and redeem sessions as needed. Great way to keep up with your massage maintenance and  achieve your therapy goals while saving a few bucks.

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Add Ons

60mins, 75mins, 90mins minutes: $10.00

Wanna add warm stone placements or aromatherapy? choose either or both.

Warm stones to comfort while the body is being manipulated.

Aromatherapy for the senses. Calming, invigorating and taming. Why not? 

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Chair Massage

Offices and Groups: Please contact for package rates

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension right in your home or workplace. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair which I bring to your location. In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.

Please contact for chair massage duration and rates. This service is offered for offices and groups. Packages available.

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